Pool Safety Barrier Services Application Form

Pool Safety Victoria offers a complete end to end service to ensure your pool or spa meets legislative requirements to Australian Standard AS1926.1 (or as relevant to your Pool)

Our Services

Your pool or spa needs to be registered with your local council by November 1st, 2020.

If you have not registered your pool or spa with your council, we are able to do this on your behalf.

See link for more information:About Us - Register pool or spa page

This is an onsite visit at your premises where one of our experienced Inspectors provides an onsite compliance check and report prior to your Certification Inspection.

*Did you know that in other states, it has been reported that 90% of owners have failed their first inspection (70% of second inspections have also failed) and incurred additional council and further inspection charges

See link for more information:About Us - Pool Safety Barrier Onsite Compliance Consultation Visit & Report

This is an onsite visit at your premises where one of our experienced Inspectors assess your pool or spa and provide a Certificate of Compliance or Non Compliance for you to rectify works.

See link for more information:About Us - Pool Safety Barrier Certification Inspection

Once you have received your Compliance Certificate from Pool Safety Victoria, this needs to be registered with your local council. We are able to do this on your behalf.

See link for more information:Register your pool or spa Compliance Certificate with council

Please enter your details below
Address of Pool or Spa
Construction Details
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